Thursday 24 October 2013


Moong dal - 1cup  (boiled)
Tamarind -small lemon size
Tomato - 1 (chopped)
Sundakkai - 50 grams
Green chillies -1
Sambar powder - 2tsp
Hing (little )
Methi - 1/4 tsp
Salt to taste


In kadai add oil and temper with mustard seeds, hing and methi.
To this add sundakkai, tomato and green chilli.
Stir fry for 1minute then add sambar powder, salt and tamarind extract.
Allow it to boil till the raw smell of tamarind disappears.
Now add moong dhal and cook for 2 boils.
Garnish with coriander and curry leaves and serve hot.

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